About Us
Ayursesha comes from the fusion of two words Ayur and Sesha. Ayur means life and Sesha means the serpent, it symbolizes time. We can say since time immemorial, we have had the phenomenal powers of Ayurveda in our life.
We, at Ayursesha, emphasize the concept of Ayurveda, which highlights the importance of pure and natural beauty and health.
Welcome To Our Fascinating World Where Ancient Intelligence Connects With Elegance. During these difficult and unprecedented times, health takes prime importance. Having a strong immunity plays an instrumental role in our physical well-being.
We live in an era where stress and physical inactivity goes hand-in-hand. We have strived to address the growing ailments by providing natural immunity boosters.
We believe in the magical power of tulsi and papaya leaves which are excellent antioxidants. Tulsi helps to enhance immunity levels and papaya levels boost the hemoglobin levels thereby increasing the formation of platelets. We have captured these supernatural powers in the preparation of our immunity booster products.
The healing powers of ashwagandha,lavang, jaiphal, javitri kapur, etc. in the treatment of joint stiffness and pain cannot be undermined. They have tremendous therapeutic advantages which can be used by both children and adults. We have used these miraculous products in our joint care supplements.
We concentrate acutely on the purity and sanctity of our products. We can assure you that our products have the highest possible efficacy. Our products are organic and free of unnatural colors, fragrances, and other harsh chemicals and paraben. We are against animal cruelty and we do ensure our products are not examined on animals.
Why Choose Ayursesha?
We, at Ayur Sesha, believe that health is not the absence of any disease but a mental, physical, and social state of wellbeing. We constantly endeavor to help people to maintain sound health to live fulfilling and enjoyable life.
We strive to work towards a wholesome and fruitful life by living in consonance with our mother earth.
Our committed health care professionals are just a click away from you in the confines of your house.
We work closely with small-scale farmers and craftsmen to ensure that the products obtained from them are pure and natural. We take pride in our high-quality products and timely assistance.