Common Mistakes in Feminine Hygiene: What to Avoid
Feminine Hygiene is one of the crucial topics that often gets neglected when it comes to self-care and physical health. Taking care of the genital area is as important as any other part of the body, as any negligence can result in infections, allergies and issues, and you may end up getting rounds to the gynecologist. Sounds scary, right? Don’t worry, we got your back as a lot of useful information is present here to enlighten you. This blog focuses on common mistakes in feminine hygiene that most females end up doing and what can be done to avoid them.
A Detailed Guide
The following is a detailed explanation of the mistakes in feminine hygiene that are often made by women and the ways to avoid them too are written as well prevent their respective points for a better understanding the Intimate Hygiene for Women:
- Use of Harsh Soaps: Never ever use harsh soaps or any cleanser to clean your genital area as it can cause infection, irritation and disturb the natural pH balance of the vagina. Vagina has the property of cleaning itself and maintains a pH balance on its own. If you wish to use a cleanser, make sure you use a mild one that is fragrance free and don’t use it to wash the inside portion of your vagina.
- Douching: Douching is a commonly used term for rinsing the inside portion of the vagina with washes/chemicals, water etc. Doctors are strictly against this practice since it increases the chances of getting an infection manifold.
- Over washing: Though cleaning the genital area is extremely important, over washing can do more harm than good. Excessive washing has the tendency to remove natural oil and cause a disruption in the natural pH balance of the area. This makes the area prone to infections. You can wash once a day and even after workout as it causes extreme sweating. Use a soft and clean towel to dry the area and don’t rub it as it can irritate the sensitive area.
- Wearing Tight Undies: Tight and fancy fabric underwear may seem appealing in advertisements and commercials, but they are not good for the genital area. It can capture heat and moisture and an environment that increases the growth of infections and the growth of bacteria can increase many times in that moist region. Try to opt for comfortable and breathable cotton fabric that makes sure the air is flowing through, and the moisture doesn’t get trapped.
- Not Paying attention to infection symptoms: Always pay attention to certain symptoms that can signal an infection in the vaginal region, as if left untreated, it can turn worse. Look out for symptoms like foul odor, unusual discharge, burning, itching, etc.
- Using Scented Intimate Hygiene Products: Scented hygiene products may seem appealing due to their sweet scent, but do not fall in this trap. Any hygiene product that has a scent with it can prove to be harmful for the body on maybe it be wipes, pads, tampons, etc. This is because certain chemicals are used in the creation of these scented products that can cause an irritation down there, hence disturbing pH balance.
- Not Frequently changing Menstrual Products: This is a mistake which many women make, and it is very harmful for private region. If you don’t change the menstrual cup, pads, tampons, etc. for longer hours, it can increase bacterial growth in the region. Since blood-covered products give an ideal atmosphere to bacteria for growth, it can pose a severe threat to their health.
- Touching Genitals with unclean hands: That may seem like a basic tip, but many women still don’t care enough about it and end up getting infections. Don’t touch the genitals with dirty hands as it can prove to be extremely risky and pose a threat of infection.
This blog works as a good reminder of the fact how intimate care is important in our important. Taking care of intimate hygiene is as important as any other healthy habit. If you avoid the above-listed mistakes, you can reduce and even avoid the occurrence of infections to a great extent. Small steps in self-care can help in the long term as well.