Ayurvedic Medicine for Effective Fat Loss

Ayurvedic Medicine for Effective Fat Loss

In a world where we keep listening to myths related to weight loss and fat loss every now and then, there are certain ways to reduce weight and fat via Ayurveda, as it is the oldest branch of medicine that has a treasure trove of knowledge in abundance. As always, Ayurvedic principles are all about getting the doshas in balance, which are the fundamental functions of the body. And for fat loss, there are many remedies available in Ayurveda and some wonderful formulations too that can help with fat loss.

Ayurveda and Fat Loss

Ayurveda and Fat Loss

There are multiple herbs and formulations available that help to make the fat loss process easier and faster, along with certain lifestyle changes that can be made to lose fat.  

  • Triphala: Triphala is made with three fruits that are known as Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amalaki. This Ayurvedic formulation is one of the most popular and common formulations that support weight loss. It works by improving digestion and assimilation and aiding weight loss in a healthy manner.


  • Punarnava: It also goes by the name of hogweed and has diuretic and detoxification properties. It is found in various supplements for fat loss. It works well to remove excess water along with toxins, thereby reducing water retention and bloating. Its nature is also anti-inflammatory, which helps to work on inflammation related to obesity.
  • Guggul: This herb is extracted from the Commiphora mukul tree’s resin. It has guggulsterones that can lower lipid levels and boost metabolism at the same time. It also works to improve the function of the thyroid gland and burn excess fat.  
  • Medohar Guggulu: This Ayurvedic formulation is made using multiple herbs, namely Vidanga, Shilajit, Guggul, and Triphala. It helps to balance out the Kapha dosha and metabolism of fat, hence making its burning process easier. It improves the sensitivity to insulin, reduces the accumulation in adipose tissue, and also enhances the insulin sensitivity.  
    Medohar Guggulu
  • Trikatu: It is a blend made with three herbs, namely long pepper, black pepper, and ginger. Trikatu has a thermogenic effect that also helps with digestion. It balances the Agni element in the body, which further improves digestion and nutrient absorption in the body. It breaks down the fat cells, thereby preventing their accumulation. This aids fat loss and also prevents muscle loss.
  • Dietary Recommendations: In addition to consuming certain herbs, changes need to be made to the existing diet as well. Eat foods that are easy to digest and light for the body. Also, Ayurveda always recommends a plant-based diet to lose fat faster, and foods that contain excess fats and refined sugars and are processed in nature are also supposed to be avoided.  
    Dietary Recommendations
  • Lifestyle Changes: You also need to opt for a lifestyle that balances the elements in the body. Engage the body in a regular workout and also get good sleep every night. Most of the time, an unhealthy lifestyle is responsible for weight gain. By following healthy habits, weight can be maintained and a healthy physique can be achieved. 
    Lifestyle Changes

Many fat-burning supplements are available on the market; however, these are consumed by people who have to lose a large amount of weight and whose weight is above a specified limit. Ayurveda has weight-loss capsules that are the best capsules for weight loss. They are named Lean Lush Capsules and are made using ingredients such as Methi Dana, Hing, Amla, and Neem Patti, all of which are 100% natural. This helps in reducing fat and also increases energy levels.

Final Say

Losing fat is not limited to eating in a calorie deficit and a restrictive diet, as a lot more work needs to be done when it comes to weight loss, especially fat loss. By utilizing the power of nature and that too without worrying about side effects, Ayurveda can help you achieve your goals of achieving a dream body and that too in a healthy manner.

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